Careers in tech are the future & you can help youth be a part of it.

Three years ago, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound partnered with Amazon to create a workplace mentoring program called Bigs In Tech. Over time, we’ve decided to open the program to mentors throughout the tech industry. Bigs In Tech connects tech workers like you with local 6th-8th graders to help them learn about careers in technology, reinforce social emotional skills, and build solid 1 on 1 relationships. Everyone working in the tech sector is welcome – you don’t have to be a developer to be a “Big in Tech!”

Our Testimonials

What People Say

Mentor and Mentee in Bigs In Tech At Amazon

Abby, you were a great mentor this year and I had lots of fun with you! Hope to see you next year! Pet Louie for me!

Pearl Little Sister in Bigs in Tech
Mentor and Mentee are smiling in Bigs In Tech

Dear Kyle, When we did The pasta tower it was soo fun and we both like snow boarding. I will see you next year

Abdi Little Brother in Bigs in Tech
Amazon employees and students are doing project together

Thanks for all the fun times we had. The lava lamp was the best also I scored my first goal!

Hamza Little Sibling

This program provides consistency for our young people and helping hands during school time.

Zelda Vice Principal at Orca K-8

This feels like the most important work that I have done all year.

A Bigs in Tech Mentor

What to Expect as a Big in Tech

When you volunteer as a mentor with Bigs in Tech, you’ll attend facilitated mentoring sessions at one of three local schools. During these sessions you’ll build a strong mentoring relationship with a young person as you experience guided, culturally competent curriculum that includes STEAM activities and social-emotional learning methodology. 

The Benefitsof Participating

in Bigs in Tech

Benefits of being a Big

  • It’s fun! 
  • You get to connect with awesome young people 
  • You get to share your thoughts and skills with a young person 
  • Volunteering helps you connect to community 
  • You gain skills in connecting with folx from other cultures
  • You get to learn from your Little 

Benefits for the Little

  • It’s fun! 
  • Kids get to go on field trips that expand their worldview 
  • Kids learn about building healthy relationships with adults outside their family
  • Kids engagement at school increases
  • Kids get to learn and have fun at the same time
  • Kids add another consistent adult to their support network

Benefits for the schools

  • Mentoring positively impacts youth academic outcomes 
  • Varying learning modalities better engages youth 
  • Bigs in Tech can help improve attendance because kids want to be included 
  • Additional school programming can improve parent/school relations
  • Bigs in Tech provides consistency for young people 
for mentors
What is expected

from Bigs in Tech Mentors

The key to successful mentoring relationships is consistency. Mentors are expected to attend all program sessions or to clearly communicate in advance if they won’t be able to attend a session. 

  • There are 7 required in-person sessions at the school and 1 field trip. Mentors are expected to be able to transport themselves to sessions and the field trip. Due to the scale of the program, we are unable to provide mentor transport at this time.  
  • We ask that mentors commit to 90 minutes for the interview process, about 2 hours for the initial training process, 1 hour monthly for time mentoring a youth, and 1 hour monthly for ongoing training and match support. 
  • We hope to stick to the calendar given at the beginning of the program. However, there is some flexibility required to accommodate scheduling the field trip in March. We will do our best to accommodate mentors’ schedules with any changes made. 


Steps to Becoming a Big in Tech

When you sign up to become a Big In Tech, you’ll go through a series of steps that will help us match you with a Little.

1 You apply to become a mentor

Start the process and get more information by inquiring about becoming a mentor here or complete the full application here. Our application is tailored to ensure child safety and will require you to submit background information as well as both personal and professional references.

2 Big Brothers Big Sisters staff schedule your interview

We will work with you to schedule a video interview where we’ll get to know your background, personality, and interests to help us approve you for matching and select the best possible match for you.

3 Complete Seattle School District Training & Background Check

To ensure the safety of young people in our programs, we run thorough background checks & fingerprints on all volunteers. We also run checks with the DMV.

4 You get trained on how to be a great mentor

We provide all the training needed for you to be a successful mentor, starting with our mentor orientation, pre-match training, and Big Brothers Big Sisters national online trainings. We also offer additional trainings, such as: Youth Mental Health First Aid training, and “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen” training.

5 You meet your Little!

Our Youth & Activity Specialists review your profile to select the best match for you. Once you’re matched, you and your match receive the support and guidance needed to be successful together!

For Bigs


How do I apply and what are the next steps?

The first step is to submit an inquiry form which can be found here. A member of the Bigs in Tech team will reach out to confirm your interest and send you an application linkOnce you complete your application, you will be scheduled for a 90-minute virtual interview. After the interview we will check your references, complete background checks, and then schedule you for Pre-Match Training. After these steps have been completed, we will notify you to let you know if your application has been successful.  

What is the timeline after I apply and how long does the process take before I have a match?

The Bigs in Tech team will proceed with the matching process in September/October and will keep you updated on when we have found a match for you! Because this is a site-based program that follows the academic calendar, matching does not occur during the summer months. Your application approval time will depend on when your references are submitted.

How will BBBS match me with a youth and how will I communicate with them?

A member of the Bigs in Tech team will match you with a youth based on shared interests, stated preferences, personalities, etc. The match must be approved by the mentor and the youth before meeting. Matches will be introduced at the first Bigs in Tech meetup of the year in October. Mentors and youth are allowed to communicate between sessions only if the youth’s parent/guardian approves this in a signed document. All such communication should be monitored by the parent/guardian. 

How will BBBSPS staff communicate with me about the program, remind me of upcoming events, and offer me support?

You will be provided with a draft calendar during the application and interview process. At the start of the program, you will be provided with a set schedule for the program with dates for all in-person match activities. You will receive monthly emails and/or calls from the Bigs in Tech Volunteer Support Specialist to check in on how you’re doing and provide support as needed. 

Will we interact with other matches and what activities will we be participating in with youth?

  • Yes! As part of this program, you will collaborate with other matches during group build activities, group discussion, and during break periods.  
  • The curriculum for this program has a focus on STEAM and SEL methodology. A few examples of activities done in this program include watercolor self-portraits, lava lamps, setting goals, creating routines, and engineering a spaghetti tower. 

What kind of training do mentors receive from BBBS?

You will take a 90-minute online training course and attend a 45-minute pre-match training session led by a Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound (BBBSPS) employee. You will connect with a Bigs in Tech Volunteer Support Specialist monthly for support. BBBSPS also offers optional extra training opportunities for mentors including Mental Health First Aid.

What application requirements do I have to meet to be a mentor in this program?

You must be at least 21 years old, complete the full application, and pass your background check. On your application form you will identify 3 references (one personal, one professional, and one from a significant other – if you do not have a SO then a close friend or family member will be fine). We will email them a reference form which they will complete. We will run 2 background checks. We do not have any vaccination requirements. 

Why is the application form so comprehensive?

BBBSPS is focused on youth safety and quality matches. We hold ourselves to high standards to keep young people safe and ensure a positive experience for both youth and mentors.

Partnership Makes it Possible

Broadview-Thomson K-8

Mentor and mentee are building spaghetti tower with marshmallow, it is an activity in Big in tech program

McClure Middle School

Mentor and Mentee are having a Big in Tech session, doing mentoring activities and having fun with each others

Orca K-8