Bigs must: be at least 18-years old, be available to meet with their Little for 4 hours per month, have a government issued ID, show stability in both their personal and work life, demonstrate appropriate social behavior and relationships with peers, demonstrate a healthy balance of interests and activities.
Those applying to be Bigs will be automatically denied if any of the following exist:
Applicants with past history of any harm against children or vulnerable adults or inappropriate behavior – accusations, charges, or convictions – results in automatic denial.
Applicants who have been accused, charged, or convicted of harm against adults must be reviewed and approved by the Chief Programs & Impact Officer.
Termination from a paid or volunteer position caused by misconduct with a child will result in automatic denial.
Bigs and applicants cannot be involved in any pending criminal charges.
Applicants with any felony charges within the last five years will be automatically denied.
We do NOT allow people to use this program to fulfill community service hours for a criminal conviction (including parole or probation).
Applicants with less than two years of sobriety following a history of alcohol or drug abuse will be automatically denied.
Applicants using any illegal drug use within the past 2 years will be automatically denied.
Applicants with a DUI within the past two years will be automatically denied.
Applicants demonstrating or expressing any strong racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, or religious discriminatory views or opinions, whether written, spoken, or implied will be automatically denied.